Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Do they have to bring in dollar reserves just to be recognized?

I was not a Bob Ong fan. Even during his rise as a phenomenal writer, i shrug off and ask who he is.
Today, I finished reading his book, ABNKKBSNPLAKo? and it was a wonderful experience.

The book capitalizes on his memories as a student until the day he went to college and everything went wrong.
But more than that, Bob Ong pays homage to his teachers by saying that teaching isn't a job - it is a vocation, and he touched social issues of the national budget
and the continuing decline of national interest to deliver free education to everyone.

I have to agree with him on this.
The government would spent billions of pesos to so many things within its fiscal year, even millions of pesos for the presiden't entourage on his foreign visits,
but there were never concrete plans on how to make education affordable to those people who need them the most - the poor.

Bob Ong may have been trivial and witty on his book passages, but it is never trivial to hear stories of underpaid teachers braving the daily grind of their hard-stricken life just to teach the kids.

And yeah, we always say that OFWs are the heroes because they leave their families just to be able to give them good future and deliver dollars to the country.

But what about the teachers? Is the government too busy to recognize them and all their efforts for this land? Do they have to bring in dollar reserves to this country to be given importance?